How to mix generic classes in a generic list in C#


If you create a class like Setting<T>, you might think you can create a generic list, like: List<Setting<T>> List = new List<Setting<T>>(); ,but this is not possible in .Net 4.0. If you want objects of

Changing the proofing language in OneNote 2010


Install the proofing tools for your language (English, French, Spanish are installed by default) for example Dutch. Then if you want to change the proofing language of a piece of text in OneNote 2010. Select

New features in ASP .NET 4.0 that I use


After doing some projects for customers with ASP .NET 4.0, what are the new features that I used in the real world? SQL cache invalidation: this means that when the result set from SQL Server

How to determine the week number of a date in C#


If you want to get the week number of a date in C#, use the following function: private int GetWeekNumber(DateTime date) { return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(date, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday); }