When accessing an .net 3.5 web application in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, I get the error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property ‘srcElement’: object is null or undefined


When the "Compatibility View" button is pushed the error is resolved, but I am still investigating what the cause of the error is and if it can be fixed without reminding all the users of the website to push the "Compatibility View" button Winking smile

14 Replies to “IE 9: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property ‘srcElement’: object is null or undefined

  1. For this specific problem I added the below javascript to the page as a fix …. hackish not a real solution

    function GetEventTarget(a){
    if(!a) return {};
    return a.srcElement;
    return a.srcElement;
    return a.target

  2. I got error in IE:

    SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property ‘news_archive_long_desc’: object is null or undefined

    The script line is:

    Any one knows to solving this problem pls update this

  3. I have the same issue.

    I have a ListBox which have both RequriedFieldValidator and ListSearchExtender. But whenever I change the selection of the ListBox and click anywhere in the page, a JavaScript error occurs. The function that throws the error is ValidatorOnChange, the event is null. This is only happens on IE9.

    Does any know how to fix this? As for Matt’s solution, where do I apply it?

  4. Gaolai..you are doing exactly what I am doing…with the requiredfield validator and listsearchextender and I have the same error. I get the error on the same function that you do. Were you able to solve it?

  5. Whoops…well…Matt’s solution works. Just put it anywhere on your aspx page in your content tags. Thanks Matt!

  6. So I can only get Matt’s script to work the 2nd or 3rd time around. The initial page load seems to have it broken. Any ideas?

  7. Any other solutions? I’ve tried Matt’s one, but that function is never fired so just adding that js to my page doesn’t work. Thank you.

  8. Any other solutions? I’ve tried Matt’s one, but that function is never fired so just adding that js to my page doesn’t work.

    This is only happens on IE9.

    Thank you.

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