T-SQL tip: log error details in catch


If you want to log detailed information on an error in a catch block, you can use the following code:   BEGIN CATCH declare @Message varchar(2048) = '<< Your custom error text here. >>' +

How to convert a string to a stream, without using encoding in C#


If you want to convert a string to a stream, without using encoding. You can use the following string extension:   usage namespace PTB.Cs.Test.Research { using PTB.Cs.Extensions; using System; using System.IO; using Xunit; public class

Variable sized column with ellipsis in a table


If you want a column of a table in HTML to expand and you want the text to show "ellipsis" for overflowing text, you can use the solution found at:   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17345158/variable-sized-column-with-ellipsis-in-a-table   Just give