Dynamic loading of views as directives in an AngularJS wizard.


Demo and Code can be found at: http://plnkr.co/edit/Ht4ud6kyJUzDTQdS9MI2?p=preview     Just for the fun, I added a D3.js chart:     A simple AngularJS wizard that dynamically loads pages (views). In the plunker each page

AngularJS tip, quote your css classnames in ng-class


It is a common practice to use spinalcase in CSS, like the css class “.ada-wizard-marker”. If you want to use this class in a ng-class directive, where the input is an object, use single quotes,

Nice post on using CSS pseudo-elements


  Creating pure css icons, without using fonts or svg or images. http://nicolasgallagher.com/pure-css-gui-icons/   Holey cow, these icons are created with just CSS, no fonts, no svg, no images not nothing, just the magic of