In this post all will be extracting a data service from the code created in the previous posts and I will be adding some client side validation by using the breeze directive: data-z-validate.
All code can be found at:
Just by adding the data-z-validate attribute to the input elements in the grid, breeze will automatically show client side validation errors, by default an asterisk “*” is shown for required fields and a message is shown, when the user clears a required field.
In this case I also added a maxlength data annotation to the lastName field:
namespace Research.UI.Web.Server.Model { using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; public class Employee { [Key] public int Id { get; set; } [Required] [MaxLength(20)] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required] [MaxLength(50)] public string LastName { get; set; } [MaxLength(20)] public string PhoneNumber { get; set; } } }
I encountered a problem with the data-z-validate directive, this was caused by added the directive dynamically in a custom directive created by me, see: but this was fixed by altering my custom directive.
The custom directive with fix
// Angular directive [spaField] responsible for generating grid cell controls.'spaField', ['$compile', function ($compile) { var directive = { restrict: 'A', /* Restrict this directive to attributes. */ replace: true, /* The given element will be replaced in the link function. */ link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { // The data-z-validate directive will append a [span class="z-decorator"] to the following [input] element, by using the jquery "append" function. var html = '<input ng-disabled="{{vm.isKeyField(prop)}}" type="text" data-ng-model="entity[]" data-z-validate>'; if ($scope.prop.relatedNavigationProperty) { var relatedTableName = $scope.prop.relatedNavigationProperty.nameOnServer; html = '<select kendo-combo-box ng-model="entity[]" ng-options=" as record.firstName for record in vm[\'' + relatedTableName + '\']"></select>'; } else if ($ === "DateTime") { html = '<input kendo-date-picker k-ng-model="entity[]" k-format="\'dd-MMM-yyyy\'" />'; } else if ($ === "Boolean") { html = '<input kendo-mobile-switch k-on-label="\'YES\'" k-off-label="\'NO\'" />'; } // Apply scope to the created html fragment. var compiled = $compile(html)($scope); // Get the [<span class="z-decorator"] appended to the input element by the z-validate directive. var span = compiled[0].parentNode.children[1]; // The following 2 lines will only add the input element to the DOM and not the [span class="z-decorator"], that is added by the z-validate directive. element.replaceWith(compiled); element = compiled; // Add the [span class="z-decorator"] to the current parent element of the input element. element.parent().append(span); element.parent().append(span); } }; return directive; }]);
good ,very clear .
we do need u heighlight and explain your dataservice and how to use z-validate to readers. that’s the key of this article.
thank u!