Font Awesome cheatsheet
If you want to use the font awesome icons directly in your HTML, you can use the font awesome cheatsheet:
If you want to use the font awesome icons directly in your HTML, you can use the font awesome cheatsheet:
This post describes in 3 examples, how you can create a triangle with pure CSS and HTML. HTML <br /> Example 1 <br /> <br /> <div class="example1"></div> <br /> Example 2 <br
If you are running an IIS server and you want to capture HTTP traffic send from remote clients, you can add a custom rule in Fiddler. Before you create the custom rule make sure
Note When you want to run / edit / debug PowerShell scripts inside Visual Studio 2013 / 2015 you will have to install the “PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio” Visual Studio extension found at:
# Add table names to the "$tables" array in the order they should be created. $tables = @( "dbo.Person", "dbo.Settings", "dbo.SmsStatus", "dbo.Sms" ) # Create a table if it does not exist. # It
If you want to format a string when echoing to the screen, use parentheses. Echo("This is {0} " -f "a test.") Will output: This is a test. Note echo is an alias
If you want to add a “named” default and a “named” unique constraint to one column, when creating a table with T-SQL, you can use the “inline syntax”: Here we create a table