16 June, 2015
1 category
In SQL Server a common table expression can be used to calculate totals / subtotals of a table containing hierarchical data:
-- Create test data: if object_id('tempdb..#Hierarchy') is not null begin drop table #Hierarchy end create table #Hierarchy ( Id int not null, ParentId int null, Amount int not null ) insert into #Hierarchy (Id, ParentId, Amount) values (1, null, 100) , (2, 1, 100) , (3, 1, 100) , (4, 1, 100) , (5, 4, 100) , (6, 4, 100) , (7, 4, 100) , (8, 7, 100) ;with CTE (ParentId, Id, Amount, IsParent) as ( -- Add all records as "anchor", because foreach record we are going to calculate the total amount. select h.ParentId , h.Id , h.Amount , 0 as IsParent from #Hierarchy h union all -- Recursively add parent records until root parent foreach record in "anchor". select h.ParentId , h.Id , h.Amount , 1 as IsParent from CTE c join #Hierarchy h on c.ParentId = h.Id ) select c1.Id , c1.ParentId , sum(c1.Amount) as TotalAmount , case when sum(c1.IsParent) > 0 then 1 else 0 end as IsParent from CTE c1 group by c1.Id, c1.ParentId
Tags: T-SQL
Category: Uncategorized