How to debug across eSpaces in Outsystems


  1. Set a breakpoint in the producer espace. 2. Tell the producer espace to "Debug in Public Area" 3. Tell the consumer espace to "Debug in Public Area" 4. Set the Entry eSpace, on

How to use entities from an other eSpace in Outsystems


Lets assume you have two eSpaces: eSpace_1 eSpace_2 Now you want to use entities created in eSpace_1 in eSpace_2, then follow the steps below:   Open eSpace_1 with Outsystems Service Studio en go to the

Uploading large files with Outsystems


If you want to upload "large" files e.g. <= 100MB, on any ASP .NET website, you must edit the web.config file. There are many settings that you might want to update, when uploading large files