SQL Server 2016: How to drop stored procedure only if it exists
In >= SQL Server 2016 you can use the syntax: DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS [dbo].[myStoredProcedure]
In >= SQL Server 2016 you can use the syntax: DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS [dbo].[myStoredProcedure]
If you want to connect to the localdb instance on a developer pc with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio use:
When I was inserting and updating data over a SQL Server linked server connection, special characters in “strings” were altered. A character “ë” was changed to the character “Ù”. Now the first
If you want to filet the SQL Server Profiler trace, so only queries send from your laptop are captured, just filter on HostName: First: Enable “Show all events” Enable “Show all columns”
Note When you want to run / edit / debug PowerShell scripts inside Visual Studio 2013 / 2015 you will have to install the “PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio” Visual Studio extension found at:
I had to write a SQL query, that would return the records where the column "ImportFileName" started with the year "2013" -- Drop temp table if it exists. if object_id('tempdb..#Import') is not null
I restored a backup of a database on a different SQL Server instance running on the same server and I wanted to compare data in a table found on SQL Server Instance 1 with the
After the installation of SQL Server 2014 was almost completed on a Windows 8.1 workstation, I got the error: "Could not find the Database Engine startup handle". This was caused by the fact, that
After I installed Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 and configured it with the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and clicked on de Report Manager URL: I got the error message: User ‘Domain\Admin’
If you want to add a column to a table in SQL Server and the column should contain multiple constraints, you can declare these constraints inline in one statement by separating them with spaces. if